Monday, August 3, 2009

Nationals was...AMAZING!

I was a nervous, but excited, mess before RWA's National Conference in Washington, DC. I had no idea what to really expect. Would it all just be a big party? Would it all just be work-work-work? Would I gain valuable knowledge and learn new things? Would I have the chance to pitch Melody's Song to a dream agent? And if yes, would they laugh at me or ask to see more?

Yes -- to all of the above! (Well, except for the part about an agent laughing at me...thank goodness that didn't happen!).

It was a party (after party, after party and so on) until the blisters on my feet made me hang out in the hotel room for a night.

It was work. But the best kind ever! The workshops were super informative. Meeting all these great authors and hearing their stories was motivating and wonderful.

I did get to pitch Melody's Song to not one...not two....but three agents! And all three asked to see more!

So if you are an author, pre-published or published, I sooooo recommend going to a conference if you get the chance. The experience I had, the things I learned, and the chance to talk face to face with three HUGE agents, was worth the $ and the 13 hour drive and the week of vacation not spent with my husband (Sorry hon!).

I'm already planning on hitting the New Jersey conference at the end of October this year, but I'm dragging the man with me for the 12 hour drive lol.

I'll keep everyone posted on the submissions I sent out to the agents, but its up to a 6 month response time.


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